Nursing Home Injury Lawyers
Fighting for You

Any Type of Nursing Home Injury

Whether your loved one suffered with abuse, neglect, bedsores (pressure injuries), falls with broken bones or brain bleeds, sexual or physical assault, wandering off (elopement), or medication errors, we have gotten results in cases like that. We know the rules nursing homes must follow, and what to do about it when they don’t. Click a specific injury type to learn more about what we can do in your case.

Senior in a nursing home bed alone and neglected.  Relevant to the content discussing a nursing home bedsores lawyer.


Allowing bedsores (pressure injuries) to develop through neglect, inadequate nutrition, or infected wounds.

Senior woman lying on the floor after a fall at home reaching for the emergency pull cord


One of the leading causes of death among elders: Falls which result in serious injuries like broken bones, broken hips, broken legs, and brain bleeds.

Elderly man with dysphagia choking on food

Choking Death

When facilities provide unsafe food, inadequate supervision, or do not provide lifesaving in response to choking.

An older man walking alone on an empty road

Wandering Off

Allowing a resident with dementia or cognitive limitations to leave the facility (elopement) or to enter an unsafe part of the facility.

Close up of older woman's hands

Sexual Assault

Allowing a vulnerable resident to be sexually assaulted by staff, other resident, or strangers.

Hand of female African American nurse giving pills to elderly female patient.

Medication Error

Overmedicating (chemical restraints), under medication (missed doses), and improper prescription of dangerous medications.

William Eadie

CEO and Trial Lawyer
at Nursing Home Injury Lawyers

I am a trial lawyer who helps families hurt by caregiver carelessness–such as nursing homes and hospitals–and hold the wrongdoers accountable.  Some people–even some trial lawyers–think people in nursing homes don’t matter, and their lives are not worth much.  I know better.  When a nursing home breaks its promise to provide good care to someone’s mother, father, sister, or brother, and refuses to take responsibility, I’m proud to help the family hold them accountable.

Ohio Nursing Home Injury Lawyers on Your Side

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