How do I File an Ohio Nursing Home Complaint for Abuse and Neglect?

Are you looking to file a complaint about an Ohio nursing home? There are several reasons why you may need to file a complaint, including concerns about nursing home abuse and neglect. It’s important to know that there are multiple ways to report nursing home abuse in Ohio, and these are explained in detail below.

However, keep in mind that your complaint to the state of Ohio may not be confidential. Any statements you make could potentially impact a future lawsuit. If you’re unsure whether to file the complaint yourself, or if you’d like an attorney to review your form before submission, contact us at (216) 777-8856 to schedule a consultation.

Who Handles Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Claims in Ohio?

In Ohio, the Department of Health is responsible for investigating nursing home abuse and neglect complaints. They have a specialized unit—the Bureau of Survey and Certification – Complaint Unit—that processes and investigates these claims. This unit handles a wide variety of healthcare-related complaints, including those concerning nursing homes.

The Ohio Department of Health states:

“ODH strives to ensure that Ohioans residing in or utilizing regulated health care entities in Ohio are provided a safe environment and high quality of care. The Complaint Unit assists this effort by ensuring that participating healthcare providers meet Medicare/Medicaid and state requirements. All complaints are referred to the appropriate ODH regional offices or other state agencies for investigation. The investigation is unannounced, and the identities of both the complainant and resident(s) are kept confidential.”

Complaints are investigated using a specific survey process designed for the type of provider involved. These complaint surveys focus on federal regulations and state rules, ensuring proper investigation and resolution.

Why You Should File a Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect Complaint

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious issues that affect a growing number of nursing home residents. If you believe that your loved one has suffered from nursing home neglect, was injured, or even passed away due to the actions of a nursing home, it’s essential to know how to report it properly. Filing a complaint can help protect others and seek justice for your loved one.

How to File an Ohio Nursing Home Complaint

You can file a complaint in several ways. Here’s how:

Complete the Complaint Form

To report nursing home abuse in Ohio, you can complete Form HEA 1685. You can download this official form, fill it out, and submit it as outlined below.

Download the form here: Ohio-Department-of-Health-Nursing-Home-Complaint-Form1-HEA1685

Or you can go to their website to complete the online form.


Once you’ve completed the form, you can email it to


You can mail your completed complaint form to: ODH, PCSU, 246 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215.

Call the Ohio Nursing Home Complaint Hotline

The State of Ohio provides a dedicated nursing home abuse hotline. To file a complaint, call the Complaint Unit at (800) 342-0553 or (800) 669-3534 (for the Home Health Hotline). A live person is available to take your call between 8 AM and 5 PM. After hours, you can leave a voicemail for further assistance.

What Types of Facilities Can I File a Complaint About?

You can file a complaint about the following types of facilities in Ohio:

  • Home Health Agencies
  • Residential Care Facilities (also known as Assisted Living Facilities)
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Nursing Homes

Want an Attorney to Review Your Ohio Nursing Home Complaint?

Remember, your complaint to the State of Ohio is not confidential! If you are considering filing a lawsuit due to nursing home abuse or neglect, it’s highly recommended to consult with an attorney first. Our Ohio Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers can review your complaint to ensure it is filed correctly and won’t negatively affect any future legal action.

If you’d like an attorney to review your case, contact us by completing the confidential form below or call us directly at (216) 777-8856.

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